Friday, August 17, 2012

Stay healthy and fit with daily health tips

7:52 AM
It is not as difficult as it seems to stay healthy and improving your current health. IF you will follow some of the simple steps then you surely you will be introduced with the early age and will greatly enhance you physical as well as mental health.
A healthy and heavy breakfast:
A recent survey shows s that eating a healthy and heavy breakfast is directly linked to the long term weight loss. Mayo Clinic Staff note the additional benefits, together with better absorption, productiveness, problem-solving acquisitions, hand-eye synchronization and creativeness. Before anything else, you need to know that what healthy breakfast is.
Mayo Clinic, one of the most popular clinics suggest that the formulation og a healthy breakfast includes the intake of whole grains and low fat protein with skimmed milk which is low in fats and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Physical and Regular Exercise:
There are lots of people who do regular and physical exercise and these people are 70% more fit that those who do not exercise regularly. These regular practitioners stay more mentally and physically fit and maintains their weight and for long time. There is a strong connection between work out and improved mental health according to the psychological health expert Dr. Daniel Landers. Particularly it is helpful with respect to strain and depression. It is not helpful if you do exercise for short period of time, do it regularly and for long time.
According to a field of study conducted by research workers at Duke University, more than 50 percent of people who had been downhearted and initiated exercising for 30 minutes for three times in a week got the better of their depressive disorder without the use of antidepressant drug medication. Keep in mind that exercising can be as simple as taking the steps to be busy rather than the winch or walking to lunch.
Sleeps well sleep sound:
The big institutions and the hospitals like Harvard Medical School and many other suggest that different stages of sleeping are critical to memory information. When we get tired and our body needs some energy then our neurons do not fire optimally. Moreover, we are prone to less concentrate and thus meditation helps in sound and deep sleep because it is often examined that the person who lacks concentration are prone to nightmares and do not take enough sleep and relax properly.
Therefore, a night with a sound sleep is not only good for your health but also it helps in concentrate and focuses more on a particular subject. There are many people who suffers from diseases like arthritis and thus cryobanksindia provides them the treatment for such diseases. A seven to eight hours of sleep is quite enough for maintaining a balance and if you feel more sleepy then reduce the intake of caffeine, supplement melatonin, avoiding heavy meals before you go to bed and make sure when you go to your bed then all the light are switched off to lie you down to sleep.
Author Bio: Anna is a person with a passion for writing. She has written many articles on various topics, for more information you can check her other blogs.


  1. Thank you so much for this article. By the way, I think to stay healthy, it's also important to drink cbd oil. As for me, I ordered mine on I use it for four months already and I noticed some positive changes, I feel much more energy than before it.
